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We write, read, and delete emails every day. Which means that we quickly move to the action of deleting emails - and totally skip even reading them - before we know it. So when you write an email for your database, it’s key to making sure that there is something special about it. Each type holds a specific purpose for your audience, depending on their journey with your business.

The four types of email marketing are:

  1. Transactional

  2. Promotional

  3. Updates

  4. Retention


Transactional emails are the ones you get after completing an action on a website, like purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter. They include order confirmations, shipping notifications, password resets, and receipts. These emails are triggered by the user's interaction with your website or app, and their main function is to provide essential information. Transactional emails include, but aren't totally limited to:

  • Order Confirmation: Confirms the purchase details and assures the customer their order is being processed.

  • Shipping Notification: Provides tracking information and the estimated delivery date.

  • Password Reset: Assists users in recovering their accounts when they forget their passwords.



  • High Open Rates: Since these emails contain important information, they are opened and read more frequently than other types of emails.

  • Customer Trust: They build trust by keeping customers informed and reassured about their transactions.

  • Automated: Once set up, they run on autopilot, saving time and effort.

  • Limited Marketing Opportunities: Their primary focus is on providing information, which means limited space for promotional content.

  • Regulated Content: They must strictly adhere to providing transactional information, or they risk being marked as spam.

  • Technical Setup: Requires integration with your website or app, which can be technically challenging.

Top Three Benefits of using Transactional Emails:

  • Immediate Customer Engagement: These emails engage customers immediately after their interaction, ensuring timely communication.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By providing relevant information promptly, they enhance the overall customer experience.

  • Increased Trust and Reliability: Regular and accurate updates foster trust and reliability with your brand.


Promotional emails are designed to inform customers about special offers, new products, or sales events. These emails aim to drive sales and encourage recipients to make a purchase. They are often sent to a segmented list of subscribers who have shown interest in your products or services.

Promotional emails include, but aren't totally limited to:

  • Seasonal Sale Announcements: Informing customers about upcoming sales and special discounts.

  • New Product Launches: Highlighting the features and benefits of new products.

  • Exclusive Offers: Providing subscribers with special deals and discounts.



  • Direct Revenue Generation: Designed to drive sales and boost revenue.

  • Flexible Content: Allows for creative and engaging content to attract customers.

  • Trackable: Easily trackable metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

  • Frequency Sensitivity: Sending too many promotional emails can lead to subscriber fatigue and increased unsubscribe rates.

  • Spam Risk: Overly promotional content can trigger spam filters.

  • Competition: High competition in the inbox for attention.

Top Three Benefits of using Promotional Emails:

  • Increased Sales: By promoting products and offers, these emails directly contribute to higher sales.

  • Brand Awareness: Regular promotional emails keep your brand top-of-mind for customers.

  • Customer Engagement: Engages customers with exciting offers and updates about your products.


Update emails keep your audience informed about changes, improvements, or news related to your business. These can include company news, product updates, event invitations, and any relevant information your subscribers might find valuable. Update emails include, but aren't totally limited to:

  • Product Update Notifications: Informing users about new features or improvements.

  • Company News: Sharing important company milestones, achievements, or changes.

  • Event Invitations: Inviting subscribers to webinars, product launches, or other events.



  • Informative: Keeps your audience well-informed and engaged with your brand.

  • Strengthens Relationships: Regular updates build a stronger relationship with your audience.

  • Personalised Content: Can be tailored to different segments of your audience.

  • Relevance: Content must be relevant and interesting to avoid losing subscriber interest.

  • Balancing Frequency: Finding the right balance of how often to send updates without overwhelming your audience.

  • Engagement Rates: May have lower engagement rates compared to promotional or transactional emails.

Top Three Benefits of using Update Emails:

  • Enhanced Communication: Keeps your audience in the loop, fostering better communication.

  • Trust Building: Regular updates can build trust and loyalty among your subscribers.

  • Feedback Opportunities: Provides an opportunity to gather feedback and improve your offerings.


Retention emails aim to keep your customers engaged and loyal over the long term. They focus on customer satisfaction and retention by providing value and nurturing the relationship. These emails can include loyalty program updates, feedback requests, re-engagement campaigns, and personalised recommendations. Retention emails include, but aren't totally limited to:

  • Loyalty Program Updates: Informing customers about their rewards and encouraging them to take advantage of benefits.

  • Feedback Requests: Asking customers for their opinions and suggestions.

  • Re-engagement Campaigns: Targeting inactive subscribers with special offers or reminders.



  1. Customer Loyalty: Helps in building long-term relationships and customer loyalty.

  2. Personalized Experience: Tailors content to the customer’s preferences and behavior.

  3. Reduced Churn: By keeping customers engaged, these emails help in reducing churn rates.

  • Complexity: Requires understanding customer behavior and preferences for effective personalization.

  • Time-Consuming: Crafting personalized and engaging content can be time-consuming.

  • Measurement Challenges: Measuring the direct impact on retention can be challenging.

Top Three Benefits of using Retention Emails:

  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value: By keeping customers engaged, you increase their lifetime value.

  • Stronger Customer Relationships: Nurtures relationships, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Lower Acquisition Costs: Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

Email marketing, when done right, can be a powerful tool to engage and retain customers. Each type of email serves a unique purpose and can significantly impact your business. By understanding the different types of email marketing and leveraging their strengths, you can create an effective email strategy that not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them. So, next time you draft an email for your database, think about the purpose it serves and how it can add value to your audience.

Remember, the goal is not just to send an email, but to create an experience that your subscribers look forward to.


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